This is the jumping off point for sites by Daniel Rex Greening.

You might be interested in how I have contributed or could contribute.

How Might I Contribute?

Professional Information
LinkedIn is my resume. It’s the only thing I keep updated. You can convert my LinkedIn profile to a PDF if you need that. I don’t fill in online job application forms. But if the job is intellectually challenging, and I have skills relevant to you, I am a devoted, energetic, versatile contributor. Because I have been a startup entrepreneur, consultant, researcher, and academic it can be confusing. Here’s the summary: when I engage with a company, I stay with it until it, sometimes through multiple mergers (an artifact of being a startup entrepreneur). I am deeply interested in the larger workings of companies. Although I usually start in software engineering, I’m often invited to contribute in marketing, finance, product management, and executive coaching.
Agile Canon
Fundamental practices of agile. This is a useful tool to assess the agile maturity of any organization, whether software, manufacturing, product, financial, or education. My view of agile is much broader than most colleagues. I include Scrum, Lean Startup, Lean Manufacturing, Design for Understanding, Getting Things Done®, OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and other iterative experimentation frameworks under the “agile umbrella.” Because of that, the Agile Manifesto is not adequate for my research, so I have developed the Agile Canon to understand this broader conception.
Senex Rex
My consulting company. There I offer agile consulting services, courses, and assessments.
Mindful Agility
a podcast on mindfulness and agile practices I am working. Of course, the agile practices follow the Agile Canon, described above, which I developed. The mindfulness practices often follow the perspective of Secular Buddhism, which includes philosophies of no-self, eightfold path, compassion, etc., but does not include supernatural assertions like reincarnation, heavens, etc. This makes Secular Buddhism compatible with most religious and non-religious perspectives. Secular Buddhism is often called “mindfulness.” Neuroscience research has revealed that mindfulness practices heighten focus, creativity, objectivity, and compassion, and reduce cognitive bias, anxiety, and depression.
Fun, Creativity, Adventures is my personal site. I haven’t significantly maintained it, but much of it is still true. I still snowboard, hike, bike, and swim. I still love art, and still own much of the art shown there.